Children's quilt Bamboo Medium Mini

Availability: In stock

Medium warm children’s quilt with bamboo fibres

Bamboo fibres pamper and calm down
Bamboo fibres have very special features: they are antibacterial, skin friendly, airy and thus excellently complement the beneficent effects of cotton in the filling. At the same time, they are hydrophilic and effectively drain moisture and thus prevent night time perspiration. The quilt creates a wonderful sleeping climate that will ensure your child a calm sleep and sweet dreams.


From €52.76

Silky softness and exceptional airiness

The combination of cotton and bamboo fibres gives a wonderful silky softness and gentleness to the quilt. The special Feel-Well fibres in the quilt filling create an elastic, airy and durable softness. You can wash it and the thought-out quilting will ensure that the filling always remains in its place. 


Wonderful features of bamboo and cotton

Bamboo fibers are antibacterial and hydrophilic, amazingly skin friendly and airy. It is characteristic for them that they do not accumulate warmth and do not retain dust mites. The sleeping climate created by bamboo fibers is pleasantly fresh and are recommended to everyone who often feels hot at night.
Cotton is skin friendly, airy and light. It very effectively drains body moisture into the room. It creates a pleasantly airy and fresh sleeping climate, which is appreciated by everyone who is prone to night perspiration.
Extremely pleasant Feel-Well fibers add to the airiness and the wonderful and long-lasting softness of the quilt.


Make a natural sleeping environment in your child’s bed

Also accessorize the child’s bed with the Odeja Natur Mini pillow and topper. You will create a wonderful natural climate for a healthy and relaxed sleep of your child.


Odeja Natur collection

Odeja Natur is superb bedding made from wonderful natural materials, soft organic shapes and well thought-out details. The natural features of down, wool and plant fibers create an exceptionally pleasant sleeping climate, enable a complete body regeneration and fill you with energy for a new day.

Tu si lahko preberete opozorila, na katera smo vas dolžni opozoriti pred nakupom:

Standard EN 16679-1:2018 Izdelki za otroke iz tekstila - varnostne zahteve in preskusne metode za otroške prešite odejice

V skladu s slovenskim standardom (SLOVENSKI STANDARD EN 16779-1:2018) priporočamo, da se pred nakupom seznanite z navodili za uporabo otroških odejic:

OPOZORILO! Zagotovite, da otrokov obraz ni pokrit.
OPOZORILO! Ne uporabljate v bližini ognja.
OPOZORILO! Ni priporočljivo za otroke do 12 mesecev starosti
OPOZORILO! Ne uporabljajte kemičnega čiščenja.
OPOZORILO! Ne uporabljajte v kombinaciji s spalno vrečo ali odejo. Upoštevajte temperaturo sobe in otrokova oblačila za spanje. Pregrevanje lahko ogrozi življenje vašega otroka.
OPOZORILO! Ob prvih znakih poškodbe prenehajte uporabljati prešito odejo.
OPOZORILO! Plastično embalažo izdelka odstranite z dosega otrok, da preprečite zadušitev.


Odnos med sobno temperaturo in primernimi spalnimi oblačili, ob uporabi prešite odeje ali spalne vreče brez rokavov, z določeno toplotno odpornostjo preverite TUKAJ.

Odejica dimenzije 74x60 cm je primerna za posteljico dimenzije najmanj 90x40 cm.

Odejica dimenzije 120x80 cm je primerna za posteljico dimenzije najmanj 120x60 cm.

Odejica dimenzije 135x100 cm je primerna za posteljico dimenzije najmanj 140x70 cm.

More Information
MaintenanceWash at or below 40°C with gentler treatment in the washing machine, Do not bleach, Do not iron, Do not tumble dry, Gentle cleaning with PCE

50% bamboo fibers / 50 % cotton

90 % cotton, 10 % Feel-Well fibers (450 g/m²)

GUARANTEED QUALITYEko Tex_1, Made in EU, Natur
SubtitleMedium warm children’s quilt with bamboo fibres

50% bamboo fibers / 50 % cotton

90 % cotton, 10 % Feel-Well fibers (450 g/m²)